托福考试中,作文部分常常令考生头疼。如何在有限时间内写出一篇结构清晰、论证有力的高分作文? Little Life为你带来两个实用的托福作文万能模板,让你在考试中游刃有余。
模板一: 经典五段式论证
1. Introduction
- Hook statement
- Background information
- Thesis statement
2. Body Paragraph 1
- Topic sentence (1st main point)
- Supporting details and examples
- Concluding sentence
3. Body Paragraph 2
- Topic sentence (2nd main point)
- Supporting details and examples
- Concluding sentence
4. Body Paragraph 3
- Topic sentence (3rd main point)
- Supporting details and examples
- Concluding sentence
5. Conclusion
- Restate thesis
- Summarize main points
- Final thought or call to action
模板二: 对比论证式
1. Introduction
- Introduce the topic
- Present both viewpoints
- State your position (thesis statement)
2. Opposing Viewpoint Paragraph
- Present the main opposing argument
- Provide supporting evidence
- Brief rebuttal
3. Your Viewpoint Paragraph 1
- First main argument supporting your position
- Strong examples and explanations
4. Your Viewpoint Paragraph 2
- Second main argument supporting your position
- Strong examples and explanations
5. Conclusion
- Reaffirm your position
- Summarize key points
- Balanced conclusion or future outlook
参考更多: IB补习; AEIS补习; KET PET 备考